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Annual General Meeting 2020

Please come to our Annual General Meeting!

We encourage all who have an interest in the future of Grads, in these challenging, difficult and exciting times, to attend our Annual General Meeting, on Sunday 9 August 2020, 5pm-6:30pm, at the Arts Lecture Room 4, University of Western Australia.

Please join us, to discuss the future of Grads and to elect a new committee - we would be delighted if you would be prepared to offer your assistance.. 

Entertainment and drinks and nibbles will be provided. 

Stephen Lee is unfortunately unable to speak, as previously advertised. In his place, the President of Grads, Neale Paterson, will step in as understudy and speak briefly about his experiences with Grads in the 80s and 90s, leading into an informal discussion of Grads in all its eras and incarnations, old and new, memories and ideas for the future - and then to a brief AGM to formalise things for next year. 

All are truly welcome to participate.

Please send any agenda items you may wish to discuss to

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